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(Reviews and Awards)



Alice in Wonderland was nominated for an award in 2019:

  • The prestigious professional award of the Association of Czech Cinematographers for the best cinematographic film work of 201

  • Writer/director duo - Schmidt/Studničková won the Kramer Award (journalism award of the Independent Media Association) for television journalism.




Otakáro M.Schmidt received the status of a participant of the 3rd Resistance (resistance against communism - totalitarianism) from the Ministry of Defence.




Czech Television's Otakáro Schmidt/Jana Studničková films are released annually by the Spanish film company Goya Producciones (Serie Historia) for the world.

Goya Producciones is a world leader in the production and distribution of audiovisual films with humanistic values. It successfully distributes films throughout the Spanish-speaking world. "Recently we have been introduced to the work of exceptional Czech filmmakers O.M. Schmidt and J.K. Studnickova. Their films are extraordinary in their content and distinctive creativity and Goya producciones is interested in long-term cooperation with these filmmakers. Their films in a unified style are suitable for our interests in distribution, sales and television broadcasting.

Czech Television's film - Prague Jesuit - presented in the USA (Washington), at the Czech Embassy - in the presence of the Latin American Ambassador.



Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and the embassy sent this note about the film Saint Vojtěch (short quote): 'Thank you for your work that unites people and nations in Central Europe through enduring Christian values'.

The film Cyril and Methodius has been selected for festivals:

  • European Television Festival of Religion (Netherlands).

  • XI International Catholic Festival of Christian Documentaries and TV Programs MAGNIFICAT' 2015 - Belarus - Minsk.

  • 2017 - IFF "Bogorodichen pokrov" - Skopje.


From Orvieto, Italy, a letter was sent from the Town Hall to the CT management: 'we would like to thank you on behalf of the Italian side of the organizers of the Corpus Domini Relay Run for the creation of the impressive documentary film "Journeys of Faith - Corpus Domini" by authors and directors Otakar Schmidt, Jana Studnickova and CT producer Patrick Divis. This documentary captures and stylistically original assessment of our long-standing message of friendship. This message follows the events of the Eucharistic miracle that happened 750 years ago in Bolsena and is celebrated in nearby Orvieto.




The film "The Little Jesus of Prague" was presented in Lima, Peru, in the presence of representatives of both the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Culture.



Nominated for the European Per Artem ad Deum Award for films with Christian themes, especially for The Little Jesus of Prague. Heads of the Department of Cinematography - Department of Media and Audiovisual of the Ministry of Culture nominated (with the recommendation of the Ministry of Culture) the film projects of Czech Television's Otakar Schmidt (as the first Czech) for the European competition - Per Artem at Deum Award, with the justification - the projects have made a significant contribution to the promotion of culture, art, history and tradition in connection with religion, and at the same time have helped to strengthen cultural traditions and ties in Europe. In the end, Otakáro Maria Schmidt finished behind the winner, the legendary composer Ennio Morricone, in the European context.




The IDF Documentary Film Institution selected Prague Jesuit for the East Silver Market - the largest Central and Eastern European documentary film market.

An original glass version of The Jesuit of Prague was produced for the film, which then became a gift from Cardinal Dominik Duka to Pope Benedict XVI in recognition of his being made a cardinal.

The grant was awarded by the Mayor of Prague. The DVD of the Prague Jesuit became one of CT's most successful titles.




The AFO - Academia Film Olomouc 2007 (the oldest documentary film festival) awarded the feature documentary - We are not angels, we just do their work (the mystery and power of the Jesuits) - the Student Jury Award for the best Czech popular science documentary.

The film about the Jesuits - We are not angels, we are just doing their work was a success at several screenings in Hollywood and was requested for several seminars in Culver City and Los Angeles.




Distribution feature film - Eliška likes the wilderness (art conception, script, direction). Premiere 2.12.1999 Blaník.

The film was nominated for the Czech Lion in 4 categories:

  • Art Concept - Otakáro Maria Schmidt

  • cinematography - Martin Štrba

  • sound - Radim Hladík, Radek Rondevald, Ivo Špalj

  • poster - David Foldyna


The film won the Czech Lion for sound.



screenplay - The Garden is a Jungle at Night (bachelor's exam together with the theoretical work Lesson Faust) - awarded by the Czech Literary Fund for the best original screenplay at FAMU in 1994;




medium-length feature documentary - St. Hubert's Ride (CT Ostrava) - script and direction (award for editing, cinematography and feature direction at FAMU 94);

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